Black Museum

This episode takes place in a museum, as it will be obvious from the name, the Black Museum. A black museum full of criminological items, where every item is involved in a crime, containing evidence that people have succumbed to their motives, shedding light on the dark side of humanity, questioning concepts such as pain, happiness, longing, cruelty, justice, human, filled with criminal objects. A museum that shows the dark side of humanity through a "Black Mirror”.

This section appears as 3 stories, 1 story and a series of events belonging to the dark world of humanity. The whole story; It strikingly describes a chain of events that seem to be independent of each other, but actually develop chronologically and with a kind of butterfly effect.Technologically, a critical approach has been carried out with a wide-ranging perspective by presenting the problems that 3 chains of inventions, such as sense transfer-consciousness transfer-consciousness survival, can lead to.

The beginning of the episode begins with a young girl traveling in a barren land with her car. He pulls his car to the gas station and sets up his car to charge with sunlight by removing the technological car charger in the way we are used to in the Black Mirror style, but since it shows a charging time of about 3 hours, he starts navigating. It is next to the World-famous Rolo Haynes Land Museum. He knocks on the door, but no one answers. He walks around the building, then Rolo, the owner of the museum, opens the door. The girl says that it's her father's birthday and he lives here, so he passed by here, Rolo looks for the girl's bag, and it's okay, now the museum tour will start.Even at the entrance of the museum, it is indicated that all the stories of the Black Mirror anthology take place in the same utopian universe. The main character of the White Bear episode " Child Killer" is on the screen at the museum entrance with his written photo. There are dozens of criminological items in the museum; Items such as the human costume with a rifle in the White Bear episode, the smart bee in the Hated in Nation episode, the bloody tablet on which the girl hit her mother in the Crocodile episode, the device Deciphering consciousness from DNA in the USS Calister episode are also in the museum.

The first story: Rolo, the museum owner, was working at a university hospital as a medical technologist at that time and, in his own words, he was working for senior people ”. Dawson, a doctor who has sworn to help people, gets into great sadness when he loses a patient because he doesn't know the symptoms. Rolo comes to the doctor with an offer. He says that he can serve patients better thanks to a technological apparatus that allows him to experience the suffering of others without harming himself, and Dawson agrees without hesitation.

On top of this, with the apparatus attached to Dawson, Dawson treats patients successfully and quickly by feeling the patients' pain and establishing a pain-symptom-diagnosis library in his mind. However, Dawson succumbs to his motives, first becoming addicted to pleasure. Later, he witnesses the moment of death of a patient and experiences this feeling until the marrow. After he came to himself, he is no longer the same man, he has become addicted to the feeling of pain because he has experienced death and pain without fear of death. Even when Dawson was having a relationship with his girlfriend, he was no longer looking for pleasure, but to achieve pleasure by experiencing pain. Dawson constantly tries to experience his pain next to patients in the hospital, but waiting to experience the pain causes the death of a patient and he is distracted from his task. Dawson begins to harm himself at home, but he can't take the pleasure in the patients' pain. Because; a suffering person experiences a different kind of pain due to the fear of death, helplessness and the awfulness of the unknown, but Dawson cannot experience people's pain on his own because of the fact that he is not harmed from the outside and in any way. Dawson chooses a victim for himself and kills him with a drill just to get a taste of pain, he enters vegetative life from the pleasure of pain.

Two concepts stand out in this story: Pain and Medical Technology, Pain: When we look at the history of the world, if we look at the top emotions present in all humanity, they are Love-Hate and Pleasure-Pain. In love, it contains longing, compassion, compassion and all beautiful feelings. It should be the basis of human life. Hatred, on the other hand, is the seed of hatred, arrogance, anger, cruelty and all similar emotions. Pleasure is the feeling of pleasure that human beings get from most of the things they are motivated by; It is the feeling that is taken from eating, traveling, sleeping, sexuality and similar activities and is often the feeling that we are always looking for in our Juniors. a person easily becomes addicted to pleasure. However, the feeling that people are most uncomfortable with is pain. A person suffers in physical or moral damages and incidents that are experienced. Only those who suffer at that moment know well, the consequences of pain are very diverse in the person who experiences pain. It leads to despair, helplessness, fear. A person avoids pain if he is not psychologically troubled. From the outside looking in, it's easy to talk about someone else's pain, it's easy to comment, it's easy to measure and compare it. However, the one who experiences the real pain knows, experiences. What makes pain scary is the reaction of the human brain when it feels pain. Pain; Whether it is physical or spiritual, it is an emotion that cannot be weighed, discussed, compared. Only the living know pain.

Medical Technology: Especially 1. And 2. After the World War II, due to millions of injuries, deaths, diseases and similar conditions, mankind had to advance evolutionarily and revolutionarily in medicine. As a result, perhaps hundreds of years ago, people got rid of small or large diseases with techniques that people could call "sorcerers”, bringing the disabled back to life with prosthetics, surgeries, machines, revolution and evolution took place in the medical world.But as can be seen in this short story, medicine no longer serves humanity, but humanity serves medicine. Hundreds of thousands of cancer patients are losing their lives because drugs are not supplied by the states, drugs cannot be found, or the found drugs are too expensive, hundreds of thousands of leukemia patients are waiting for a bone marrow transplant, while states can legislate everything like taxes, why don't they do practices that promote bone marrow transplantation, blood transfusion, people aren't curious.While thousands of people in the world are rich, thousands of people are losing their lives just because medicines are expensive or cannot be found. The medical sector and technology are no longer aiming at treatment, but rather at profit, just like a commercial company. For example; Let's consider the MRI machines that have revolutionized medical technology, it is necessary to wait in line for months to get an MRI in a public hospital, while in a private hospital it is expensive to shoot for those who do not have a condition. I think there is a world order in which we have lost our humanity at this stage when humanity has arrived and are now considered only as customers in every respect within the capitalist system.

After the narration of the criminological object that provides this sensory transmission, Rolo moves on to another object. After Dawson went insane, neuro-technological research did not stop, Rolo's team found a way to transfer deceased consciousnesses by advancing the technology that provides sensory transmission. Rolo continues to sweat and the black girl gives him water, Rolo drinks the water and starts telling the "saddest story” in the museum through a teddy bear. 2.story: The sense transfer in the first story has turned into consciousness transfer. Two young people have fallen in love, they have children, they are very happy, and a man and a woman want to take pictures of a woman playing in the park with their children, she gets hit by a car and falls into a coma. Rolo again appears at their head with an offer and says that there is a telmology that can place the woman's consciousness in the man's consciousness and keep it alive. The man accepts immediately. With this telmological device, a living prototype is created as a "subject” by taking advantage of the father's desperation and longing.

Although a man loves his lost wife very much, after a certain point things get complicated and uncomfortable arguments arise.. Two consciousnesses are too much for one person. No matter how much he loves, no one can live in the same body. Consciousness cannot be considered only as an object. It is consciousness,spirit,character,emotions, silhouette and body that make a person human. A man who tries to move on with his life finds himself in arguments that he can no longer stand, and he becomes unable to have a relationship with anyone else. He knocks on Rolo's door again, Rolo says that they have developed a technology that can transfer human consciousness into a teddy bear. Now human consciousness has become a toy in the hands of medical telmology and industry. Human consciousness should be able to act with the guidance of consciousness. What makes a person a human being is the decisions he makes with his motives and consciousness and his life.

Two concepts stand out in this story: Consciousness and Longing. Consciousness: what distinguishes man from other living beings is undoubtedly consciousness. A utopian world full of robots that look just like humans in the series Westworld, Anthony Hopkins gave place to a very appropriate aphorism: God's gift to man he said that there is consciousness, that what separates a robot from a human is that it has no consciousness, that there is consciousness at the center of the maze, that is, at the center of everything, that is, throughout the entire series.

Longing: Longing is eternal. They say time is the cure for everything, it's a lie. The longing never ends, it does not decrease. Because longing comes from love. And love is from God. Love and consciousness are God's greatest gift to us. In this short story, a person who has lost his beloved takes the consciousness of the person he loves for himself because of his longing and love, without knowing what has happened or will happen. Although he argues, his longing never ends, even at the most uncomfortable moment, he cannot afford to completely erase it. Because even though the consciousness of it is not in us, we keep our loved ones alive in our own consciousness, we love and miss them.

After this story, Rolo begins to tell m the "most important part " of the museum. He says that "Dawson led to this incident”. Rolo was fired from the place where he worked because of the "teddy bear” issue, he didn't even get his compensation. The idea of opening the museum came to his mind and he started filling the museum. The third story : A person accused of murdering a reporter is being tried with the death penalty. Rolo knocks on this person's door and visits him in prison. He says that he works in the field of medical technology and has an offer. The defendant asks if he can help with things like DNA. However, when Rolo says that this is possible, but he came for something else, the defendant turns around and leaves, Rolo says "Think about your family”. Then the accused comes back and they talk. The defendant agrees to sell his consciousness to Rolo in case a death sentence is issued against him. The defendant convinces his family that this is only a reflection and when the death sentence is handed down against him, he sells his consciousness with his current pain in the electric death row. The prisoner has been the only survivor of the electric execution. But his consciousness is alive. Rolo says that on the day of the execution, justice was achieved. The "most important object" of the museum becomes the "most important part". Rolo projects him through a glass window into the cell, but since it's not enough for humans just to navigate, he reenacts the electric execution scene for 10 seconds. Incoming "visitors" perform electric execution by pulling the lever.

The girl tells me that I skipped some parts of the story and says she needs to sit down, pulls up a chair and makes Rolo sit down. Rolo blushes, he can't breathe. The girl talks about the protests for the exoneration of the prisoner made by the prisoner's wife, mentions that people were bored when they realized that there was momentum, but the state would not do anything to exonerate the prisoner, but after these protests, people became conscious that no one came to the museum, only sick people, psychopaths and sadists came.

The girl looks at the prisoner and says happy birthday dad. He poisoned Rolo with the water he gave him. He transfers Rolo's consciousness into the prisoner's consciousness and kills him with the electric execution he performed. He then gets out and gets in his car, looks in the mirror and says, "How was I, Mom?” says. The consciousness of his mother 2. he took it into himself, as in the story. He burns down the museum and continues on his way. In this story, however, more than one concept stands out:

Presumption of Innocence, Justice, Criticism of Criminal Proceedings, Punishment Policy: Rolo wants to take this criminal to the museum by thinking purely commercially. During all the conversations in the story, he says that the man is guilty, which is a striking criticism of how biased the justice system is against people with ethnic differences in America. With social prejudice, believing that a person is guilty is actually not a diabolical thing. For example, 2. In the story, it is said that the prisoner killed the reporter while the father was watching TV, and society and the courts are guided by the media, as they are still today. For criminal sanction in criminal proceedings, and especially for the death penalty in order to be able to give; the legal system must be perfect. But perfection cannot be expected where man is.

The policy of punishing criminals should be condemned for the act he committed and should ensure that he learns lessons, as well as ensuring that people refrain from committing crimes. However, unfortunately, most economic crimes may have harsher penalties than the crime of Sexual Harassment, which perhaps affects a person very deeply, and this leads us to question the correctness of the punishment policy. Justice is unique, sacred and social. The provision of justice should be one of the sole objectives of the state. A society in which justice is not provided is unhealthy.

Protests, Social Movement: After the aforementioned social prejudice, the museum's business booms, the museum overflows with visitor dollars. However, he is sentenced to death the spouse of the accused person starts protests and starts a protest for the exoneration of his wife. People support the protest and it gains social momentum. People now believe in his innocence. A documentary is even made about the person sentenced to death. Healthy people no longer come to Rolo's museum.

Because; society, enlightened by the social movement, stops punishing even if it is the consciousness of a person who is likely to be innocent. Only perverts, psychopaths and sadists come to the museum.

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